Dhyaan - UX/UI case study


A meditation and yoga website which provide guided yoga and meditation videos by various yoga gurus and teachers.


Mental health issues are increasing globally, particularly in India where stress and anxiety levels have risen. A study by The Center of Healing (TCOH) in Delhi found that 74% of Indians suffer from stress and 88% from anxiety. Unfortunately, mental health issues are still not well-treated in India. Only 41% of 15 to 24-year-olds believe it is helpful to seek support for mental health problems, compared to an average of 83% across 21 countries, according to the State of the World's Children 2021 report.


The goal is to create a mindfulness website that provides guided meditation and yoga videos by different yoga gurus and teachers to help users improve their mental and physical health. This is a responsive website designed for both mobile and computer users. It also consists of different activities such as music, article and courses which will also help users to improve their mental health.

My role

UX designer, UX researcher, UI designer

Analytical research

Conducted analytical research which helped in gaining more knowledge in the field of Yoga and meditation.
Found out about various types of yoga such as Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, vinyasa yoga, Lyenger yoga etc. Learned about the history of yoga and various Indian yoga gurus.
Got to know about various benefits of yoga and meditation.
Discover various other activities such as music and reading which can help in improving mental health

Card sorting

Used card sorting method to find out and group different asanas of different yoga which had same health benefit.

Competitive analysis

Usability study

Conducted usability study of the digital wireframe to evaluate and improve the usability of the design. Gather information from the user to improve the overall user experience.
Participants where given following task to perform to understand the usability of the design
- Go to your desired section (meditation, yoga, article, etc.) from the navigation menu
- Choose the video that you want to watch
- Change language of the website
- Save any video to “My library”

Website Insights

  1. Remove add playlist feature form the Cards

  2. Make horizontal scroll of videos through arrow button

  3. Add save feature to the guru and experts screen to save teacher to my library

  4. Highlight filter tags to show that they are selected

  5. Remove the class description instead show description in info feature

Mobile Insights

  1. In mobile make Gurus and experts section less clustered

  2. Write filter text near filter icon to make it more accessible

  3. Highlight filter tag to show that they are selected